Germination is the process in which the seeds sprout and the root emerges. In Cannabis it takes from 12 hours to 8 days.
1-4 Weeks
The seedling stage begins when the seed coat splits open and exposes the root and round "seed leaves" or cotyledons. It lasts from 1 to 4 weeks.
1-2 Months
The vegetative phase is the main growing period for the cannabis plants, where they will reach their full growth potential and become beautiful, full bodied adult plants.
6-9 Weeks
The flowering stage is where the mature cannabis plants put all their effort into growing large, lush resin covered buds.
3-4 Days
Once the flowers are ripe, it's time to harvest! This final stage is the most labor intensive period of the cycle and involves several crucial steps; trimming, curing, and drying.